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Namaste fina ni,

Hoppas att ni har en magisk lördag fylld med vad ni än behöver 🙏🏼 Jag är påväg till mitt Self Love Yoga Retreat på Smådalarö Gård och solen skiner!

Idag ska jag dela med mig av mina nya nya favorit produkter inom Wellness - nämligen CBD olja från Arktis 🌱 Har du testat CBD olja? Som Holistisk Yogalärare så älskar jag att ta hand om mig själv inifrån & ut, inte bara kroppen utan även min mentala hälsa & det inre 💭 Sömn är verkligen grunden till ALL hälsa så för att somna snabbare, minska stress & sova djupare så har jag testat Arktis CBD olja 15% & Sleep kapslar 🛌

Det finns många CBD produkter på marknaden men varför just Arktis är mina favoriter är för att dom är ekologiska, veganska, certifierade och naturliga ingredienser ✨

Om du vill ha hjälp att sova bättre och varva ner från alla tankar så unna dig några härliga produkter från Arktis via deras hemsida här! ✨ Har du testat CBD-olja? Vad är dina erfarenheter? Dela gärna i kommentarer och skriv till mig om du testar! 🙏🏼

Bra att veta: CBD-produkterna innehåller ingen THC. THC omfattas av narkotikalagstiftningen och är olagligt i Sverige. Produkterna är lagliga eftersom Arktis Naturals garanterar 0% THC i sina produkter, som dessutom är de tredjeparts testade 💚

Önskar er en magisk helg!

Namaste with love,

Lisa 🧘🏼‍♀️

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Skribentens bild: Lisa WingårdhLisa Wingårdh

Know your worth. Know the difference between what you're getting and what you deserve.

Namaste beautiful soul,

How are you? I Hope that you’re very well and that you’re taking some time for yourself today. This morning I woke up a little bit earlier than usually which meant extra long Yoga practise and it felt amazing.

If you’re not a morning person, maybe you can give yourself some time tonight to light some candles, roll out your mat and do some Yoga on YouTube. Here’s my favourite class in Swedish and here's my favourite class in English.

I feel high on love after my Self Love Retreat at Smådalarö Gård and my Self Love Workshop. I’m so grateful and humble to each and every single one of you who book my Retreats, my work wouldn’t be anything without the amazing people who join my events.

My next (and last for this year) Retreat is already fully booked so I’m now planning the Retreats for 2023. Where would you like us to go? I feel like Bali is calling us but it’s still in the planning phase and I would love to hear your inputs. Comment your suggestion on my Instagram post - I love hearing your inputs!

Wish you a beautiful weekend filled with whatever you need!

Namaste with love,


1:1 Private Coaching with Lisa

One of the things that I'm most excited for this Autumn is that I recently started offering Wellness Coaching. Private 1:1 sessions face to face in Stockholm or online. The response has been amazing and I've loved every single coaching session I've had so far because it's so inspiring to meet people who are ready to make a change in their life. I've mainly been coaching in Holistic Health and How To Work Full Time as a Yoga Teacher but each program is tailor made after your needs so if you're interested in a personalised coaching program, reply to this email or read more here.

Do you want to practise Yoga weekly with me? Or book personal training in Yoga for yourself or a small group? Click on the button below to see my weekly classes and all my different services I offer. I look forward practising with you!

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Namaste Beautiful Soul,

I'm so excited to finally be able to share some big news with you! Guess who’s the new Ambassador for Rituals Cosmetics? This is a dream come true for me and if anyone would have told me that this would happen 2 years ago when I quit my job to become a Yoga Teacher, I’m not sure I would’ve believed them.

Me and six other Ambassadors checked in to a Rituals Sleep Retreat for a Campaign Photoshoot at Yasuragi. 24h filled with delicious food, Breath work, Sleep Workshop, Sleep Yoga & Spa, a memory that will stay with me forever. I’ve never felt so aligned in my element & a sense of “this is exactly what I should be doing” - I hope everyone gets to experience that feeling.

I have also shared my first vlog on my YouTube channel where you get the behind the scenes from the Sleep Retreat! I hope you will love it! You can watch it here.

Above all, I’m overwhelmed by all the love & congratulations you’ve sent me - thank you again! I’m speechless for what amazing community we’ve created together.

Wishing you a lovely start of the week & spring!

Namaste with love,


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